Photo by Martin Wilner on Unsplash


Welcome on ikiōm’s blog,


As this is this blog’s very first post, I thought about sharing a bit of context behind ikiōm, its mission, and try to answer the most frequent questions I received.

First, what is ikiōm about?

ikiōm - management & impact consulting

ikiōm’s purpose is to help leaders and founders set their vision in motion. This is about making the best bridges between a – well defined – strategy and an – hyper-effective – execution.

On one hand, ikiōm collaborates with leaders through actionable consulting in Innovation, Product, Strategy and OKR. Objective is to make their strategy work in practice by providing hands-on help, methods and tools. A bit more info is shared on this topic here.

In parallel, ikiōm also supports impact and social entrepreneurs. These founders are on a mission and ikiōm aims to help them in bringing their ideas to life with business strategy advisory, matchmaking, mentorship, and early-stage investment. These activities are described here.

Who is behind ikiōm?

My name is Elie Casamitjana. I founded ikiōm beginning of 2020. ikiōm is the vehicle I use to leverage the years of leadership experience earned working together with – and learning from – brilliant minds in the digital sphere. I am driven by collaboration and achieving tangible results with a positive impact on people and our environment.

What does ikiōm stand for?

ikiōm is a mix of “iki” and “om”.

  •  “iki” means purpose in Japanese
  • “om” refers to the roots in Sanskrit

I believe that one individual or organization well-rooted in her purpose will deliver great things out there.

What will this blog be about?

ikiōm aims to help leaders and founders set their vision in motion. This blog will be about just that too. Tools, Best practices, Methods, and more.


Stay tuned and feel welcome to get in touch,



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